Nest Box Cameras

Swamp Box
Designed for wood ducks, this box is located in a vernal pond (aka the swamp). First installed in 2022, the box received heavy use with several hens laying over 20 eggs in the box. The nest was abandoned in late April 2022.

Creek Box
Designed for wood ducks, this box was installed in 2019 on the banks of Sycamore Creek. This box held successful wood duck nests in 2020 and 2021. Despite significant interest from multiple pairs of wood ducks, the box was not used in 2022.

North Teton
Built and installed in 2022 for wood ducks, screech owls, or northern flickers.

South Teton
Built in 2020 and originally located along the banks of Sycamore Creek, this boxed was moved to its current location on the esker in 2022.

Nest Box #1
This cedar nest box redesign and rebuilt in 2022. This box is located at the south end of the property along the driveway. It is mounted on a metal conduit approximately 4 feet above ground. It was installed in 2019 and has been home to three consecutive black capped chickadee nests (2019-2021). A total of 19 nestlings have successfully fledged from this location.

Nest Box #2
This X-Box style is located in the northwest corner of Hogsback Acre where it has been used by both black-capped chickadees and house wrens.

Nest Box #3
This is Chickadee-style nest box was originally mounted on a birch tree and was moved to its current location on a metal conduit in 2020 where it has been used by house wrens.

ICD Bluebirds
This is a customized X-Box with a ceiling compartment for the nest box camera. This box housed a successful brood of five eastern bluebirds in April-May 2022.